Ambient Yoghurt Secondary Pasteurization
Long shelf life yogurt offers similar nutritional benefits as traditional fermented refrigerated yogurt .Because it does not require refrigeration, ambient yoghurt is now an on-the-go beverage for personal consumption. Its taste is comparable to that of refrigerated yogurt.
Ambient Yogurt Process
Raw milk (whey protein concentrate) → homogenization of mixture of sugar, thickener, etc. → primary pasteurization → cooling → inoculation and fermentation → cooling → secondary pasteurization → aseptic filling
After the lactic acid bacteria fermentation, ambient yogurt has an additional process of secondary pasteurization.
The secondary pasteurization system uses a wide runner plate heat exchanger to sterilize the product. The wide runner plate heat exchanger has a specific runner angle, which improves the convective heat transfer coefficient and gives it the same heat transfer capacity as a narrow runner plate,and this design reduces the viscosity loss of the product, allowing the product to be stored at ambient temperature.